You may now use a full width template, which means the page without the right-hand column to display wide tables. This new templates is called Generic - NoImageFullWidth
There is also a new flash template, Generic - Flash, which allows you to drag and drop flash media onto the page. Due to a few small "quirks" within the CMS, you might need to resize the file once it is on the page. We will be distributing some quick instructions soon. Watch this space!
And last, but certainly not least, we developed a new user template that can be dropped into the right - hand column of the generic pages. This user template, which is called AssociatedLogos and can be found within the SiteElements/userTemplates/ImageTemplate folder in the CMS folder tree. As the name suggests, this templates is to be used when you have partner logos that you would like to display on the page. You may add logo images and include a caption underneath it.
We hope you find these new templates useful! ENJOY!